ABOUT Believers Life Center
Believers Life Center is a family oriented Church. We believe in the divine order of God. Our purpose is to strengthen families through education and life lessons. We have structured our ministry to afford all people from all walks of life to live a both Spiritual and prosperous lives.
Teaching skills to empower toward independence.
Health and Wellness
Fitness with Purpose
To educate individuals, regarding nutrition and physical activities.
Health Fair
To educate on healthy life styles.
Life Lines
Provide emergency assistance for those in hardship
and crisis.
Love in Action
Visiting and feeding the sick
Comforting bereaved families.
Visiting the elderly.
Car giveaways.
Cancer/Diabetes/Lupus Walks.
​Transition Home RB’s Home (Reaching Beyond the Sky)
Safe transitional housing alternative for women in crisis.
Project H.O.P.E.
Mortgage/Rent payment assistance. Building affordable housing.
Ulysses Capehart Scholarship
College Scholarship given to worthy High School Graduates of
Media Ministry * The Life Bookstore
Media products, ie books, ministry CD/DVD.
Jail Ministry (Bringing Life through Christ)
To teach, equip and encourage those that are incarcerated.
Support to transition back into community and reduce recidivism rate among offenders.
Ministry Life tools offered
Believers Life Center History
In 1998 2BLEEV Ministries (aka) Believers Life Center began a weekly bible study gathering of people eager to learn more about the Word of God. In these bible studies God’s anointing would fall and knowledge of his Word was imparted by Pastor Lee and Dr. Yvonne Capehart. These small gatherings grew in no time.
Once we reached the mark, our Pastors decided it was time to take the leap of faith and move to a room in the Civic Center under the name of 2BLEEV Ministries. Services were awesome! The congregation grew.
In 2000 the Lord led Dr. Capehart to a building on Michigan Avenue. Within 2 weeks we had the keys and there we took under the new name of Believers Life Center. Awesome deliverance services took place in the new facility. God was really proving himself to be a KEEPER!
In a service as the anointing fell a word of prophesy was given to Dr. Capehart concerning a new building, stating that we would have one in 30 days.
That week the Lord led our Pastor to drive down Pace Blvd. As he drove he looked to the left and Lord spoke to him and said, “there is your new church.” He immediately contacted the owner of the building and within 30 days we received the keys.
In 2006 we moved in and dedicated the building in November of that year. In this location we hosted many conference, seminars and other great moves of God.
In 2011 we received yet another elevation. We have now moved into a new location, where we have 4 separate buildings. A beautifully remodeled sanctuary, a fellowship hall, a children’s church and a youth department.
We are set to invade Pensacola and take this city for God. With Gods help we are looking to soon out grow this facility and move even further into the blessings of the Lord.